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moms_two_boys 06-17-2006 04:59 PM

Yahoo predator and a young child
There is a Yahoo member out there that is (stalking) or harrassing a young girl, whose location I will not disclose. He goes by the nic of singlenowguy and his profile is a little disturbing. He has IMd her several times and the IMs themselves suggest that he knows where she may live.

Her mother has made a complaint to Yahoo on this matter four days ago and has not yet recieved a response. This is outrageous as far as I am concerned. I do not believe that society is doing all it can do to protect our children. If nothing is done nor said, we are only letting cyber stalking continue. Where does Yahoo stand with these issues? :confused: I myself would like to know!

This singlenowguy's profile states that he enjoys "shoots" and traveling. This does pose a problem to our young kids. I believe he is in the age range of 25 - 35 years of age and has the capability to move around nearly at will. If not the funds to permit him to do so. I am having this matter investigated further and will continue to do so until I am stopped by the authorities, and / or I have him stopped.

Please alert any parent you may know who has children that frequent the internet to speak to friends, play games and so forth. This young girl only uses her Yahoo account to speak to friends hundreds of miles away. If he can get an undisclosed YahooID and contact a person that only accepts IMs from people on her list, he can hack anyone anywhere.

Be on guard and please speak to your children and those near and dear to you of this matter. I would hate to see another of our children taken from our grasp by a predator in cyberspace.

Feel free to e-mail me or drop a line in response to my thread. I would appreciate knowing that I have touched at least one person out there.

thain 07-07-2006 05:57 PM

From a technical perspective it is perfectly possible to trace this individual. The essential information is contained within his IM posts, because the system needs to know where to send replies to. This information alone is not sufficient to locate him, but a competent programmer could use it together with other databases to track him down. It's basically what the authorities do when they suspect somebody of being a terrorist.

What is needed is the political will to do it, and to withstand the voiciferous 'human rights' lobby. I suspect that only when a senior politician's own child gets abducted will anything happen. I have grown very cynical in my old age about large businesses and their political pawns. Too many of them have too much dirty laundry of their own.

I doubt very much that you will get any help at all from Yahoo. What's needed is a high-tech Robin Hood.

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