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Old 04-07-2005, 06:53 PM
Posts: n/a
Unhappy Sprint Yahoo Email

As of three weeks ago my Sprint PCS Yahoo email changed---for the worse. I sent an email back then explaining the negative alteration to my mobile Yahoo email. Here's the poop----------when opening to the Inbox for new messages the prior format listed the first 10 New emails with the traditional 'check box' off the the left margin, allowing one to Delete or move any message on the fly, as it were. You would simply scroll down and highlight/check which ever message you desired and Delete it right there.
NOW----things have changed. No longer is there a left margin check box to do this. One must, as with Hotmail and several other email clients, actually open the message, scroll down to the bottom and delete from there. Why would Yahoo make things more cumbersome and difficult, as well as time consuming????

Anybody else notice this?????

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