04-08-2005, 04:51 AM
merced toyota
I JUST WANTED TO POST A MESSAGE LETTING EVERYONE KNOW THAT MERCED TOYOTA ARE VERY RUDE AND NO WHERE NEAR PROFFESIONAL.my husband and i are trying to buy a car under first time buyers .when i called toyota i was told to come and look at my options.when i got there we looked at a toyota carolla which i did not like i then saw a toyota sienna that was very nice.As we were leaving to take it for a test drive the manager came yelling in front of everyone that we could not buy that car it was to much for us.he demanded we get out of the car and find something different.now, we are young but our income is average 6,000 a month so we did not deserve to be treated like we were crazy.If you know who i could contact, please let me know!!!! 